Selim Dir Melaizi

Selim Dir Melaïzi is a lighting designer in the performing arts and a Franco-Algerian rapper. With a background in literature, he turned to stagecraft through the Beaux-Arts in Nîmes, and later earned a CFC as a stage technician from La Manufacture. He has honed his lighting design skills by collaborating with artists like Élie Autin, Johanna Closuit, Piera Bellato, Emmeliin Chemouny, and Marlène Charpentié. Combining social and cultural activism, he dedicates his time to anti-racial struggles (formerly part of Outrage Collectif) while drawing inspiration from underground rap and electronic music cultures. He is currently exploring more artistic and experimental lighting design, and is developing a performance project blending dance, rap, and slam, centering on his gender identity and heritage. Selim is also a member of the queer and racialized collective The Shell, which recently opened Le Kauri, a new cultural space within the Usine.