Jonas Lambelet

Outsmarting the course of the world seems so necessary to Jonas that he will at least give it a try. Taking vastly different forms, his projects do not obey any aesthetic dogma that is too settled, too pacified; and intersect around language, the true common thread of his work. Jonas summons words like so many hands, impossible to shake but capable of giving shape to the clay of our existence. He seeks the reappropriation of a word of which we are dispossessed, and wonders how to make words the tools of a future resistance. With a bit of old rock, a bit of poetry, almost always part of a collective, he delves into what the previous century has left us. A kind of antiquarian who researches language with the clear intention of organizing its comeback, its merciless and gentle outpouring over our postmodern landscapes.
Jonas Lambelet is an actor and director based in Lausanne. He studied at the Manufacture – University of Performing Arts in Lausanne. While keeping himself busy as an actor (he has worked with M. Imbach, A. Secrétan, E. Devanthéry, the CCC collective and the Cie Post Tenebras Lux among others), he is also interested in directing and has participated in several creations as an assistant (with Cie Motus, I. Fahmy and M. Imbach).
He is active within numerous collectives with which he develops projects in a wide range of formats: from reading-marathon (Correspondances des routes croisées) with the Fin de Moi collective, to soviet vaudeville (On est tous des tontons et des tatas de la classe ouvrière) with X SAMIZDAT, through a research task carried out with the Third Floor Group on the spectacular forms that the collective development of thoughts from feminist texts can take, a work that has led to a stroll around the city, questioning its spaces that are conceived by and for men (Quartier libre).
Convinced of the fundamentally political and social role of performing arts, he is part of these various projects in an approach that is both engaged and engaging. Resolutely undisciplined, his work seeks to blur lines, mixing genres to cultivate an occult art.
In 2017, he founded h i t z A h i t z with which he continues his research and work. He created SAM va mieux (2017), an in situ electro-tale inspired on a short story by Alain Damasio; H O W L (2018), an incantatory poem based on Allen Ginsberg’s work, designed in collaboration with the trio Le Mat; and Nous tournoyons dans la nuit et nous voilà consumés par le feu (2020), an introspective plunge into contemporary melancholy.